Red Hat Get

St. Thomas, USVI – Day 0

So finally, after several months, I got it.


For those of you that don’t know the significance of the red hat, or what Red Horse does feel free to read up. While this wasn’t exactly the path I had originally planned out when I first sought to join the Air Force all those years ago, every step that I take down this path feels like the right one.

The flight over wasn’t bad at all for my first time flying mil. We went in a C17 from Mansfield, OH right to St. Thomas. Took somewhere around five hours. I wasn’t really paying attention. It got a little cold, but no more than it does on a commercial airliner. Next time I’ll bring a blanket. It’ll make it easier to actually lay out.

It was hot when we got off. Obviously. Even at nine when we landed it was in the 80s. If nothing else I feel like this is all the description you need for the work ahead of us:

2017-09-13 21.20.28

We also saw a crab walking along the side of the building, but I didn’t get a picture because we were trying to get in as fast as possible.

As I type this we’re sitting in the St. Thomas Airport. We landed about an hour ago and it looks like we’ll be staying here for the night. I’m laying out on one of the baggage carousels. Too bad it’s not moving else I could fulfill another childhood dream.

2017-09-14 06.18.58

There is power on the island. And we do have some spotty cell/internet service. But my guess is that you’re reading this for the first time sometime in mid-October or possibly even November.

Obviously we have a lot of work to do.

Author: Jonathan Rodriguez-Lucas

I've traveled the world, but the exploration never ends. I've run marathons, but the race is far from over. I've completed life goals, but strive for more. I have questions with no answers, and answers to questions I've yet to ask.

Where are you going? Where have you been?